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my mom always picks the loquats from our neighbor's tree (because they don't eat them) and turns them into jam too. this looks really delicious!


MIAM MIAM!!!Ca m'as l'air delicieux...


Aha, I was wondering if you left the skin on when i saw the pics on Flickr, and now I know! Ginger would be a fantastic addition I think. Strange but the "old fashioned" fruits are all my favourites!


We have loquat trees everywhere in Florida and sadly, I think most people who have them don't know what they are and the fruit goes unpicked.


You know, I was looking after biwa jam 2 weeks ago, as I finally got some biwa fruits, here in Germany they are not easy to get.I didn't find much recipes.
I made biwa compote with umeshu, this one is very nice too(doesn't contain much alcohol, it wouldnt be this good for you);-)
I have read the seeds are toxic, is this true?


I've been eating loquat since I was a kid. Love them and never thought about making jam with it. Very nice idea! I have one tree in my garden but needs to be treated every year to remove a fungus that attacks the fruit leaving it black. It's the first time I notice it's name in English. :)
In Portuguese they're called 'Nêsperas'.


How timely! We have loads of biwa here in Chinatown, Los Angeles, so if I get treated for a bag of them in exchange for some guavas from our tree, now I'll have a great recipe for them - thanks!

Just came across your blog while looking for a Japanese recipe for chige-nabe stock that I could easily understand and find ingredients for (we're making that tonight) and your blog is so "natsukashii"! I moved to Tokyo in 1997 and my souvenir from seven years of voluntary exile and I have since relocated to L.A.

Looking forward to trying more of your recipes!


Excellent Post!!!. Great presentation and your Photography is also good


Cooking episodes too! thanks


Oh yum! Loquats are a popular ornamental at our local college. When I was attending, I use to look at them with curiosity until a fellow student (half Japanese) showed me how delicious they were. The rest of the semester, I'd leisurely snack on them whenever I had to go to class or the library. Word must have spread though b/c I went back a few years later, and all the loquats were plucked clean except for the tallest tips of the trees. You could see some broken braches where no doubt some eager students had "harvested" a free treat.

Robyn K

In California, where I grew up, there were loquat trees all over the place that no one ever picked. They were just grown as ornamentals. My sister and I would climb them and sit in the tree eating. Of course, it was California, so there was no water for the tree and the fruit was never very plump like yours are. Yum!


Wow, everyone has loquats where they are! I'd never heard of them before I came to Japan so consider them totally exotic and Japanese. What a surprise to see they're grown all over. It is a shame that so many people don't know they're edible. Don't people get curious about the fruit they have in their own yards?

No3 Max Pump

Yummy!! my mouth is watering seeing this jam...

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